Motivation & Thesis

On the evolution of AMMs and concentrated liquidity

On one hand, UniswapV3 liquidity today is highly inefficient. Most liquidity is pooled in way too wide a range, sitting in dead ticks with wasted opportunity cost. More active poolers with tighter ranges and more frequent changes are utilising their liquidity much more effectively. Liquidity sitting in dead ticks could be better placed into other protocols (eg: Loans) where it can be more effectively used, or more actively managed.

On the other hand, the concentrated protocol itself is hyper-efficient. Concentrated liquidity is far more powerful for markets and provides orders of magnitude lower slippage and efficiency for capital in active ticks.

This mismatch is due to the novelty of concentrated liquidity and the gas fees for repositioning. Fixing the mismatch is likely to radically change how volume flows across different DEXes.

Most capital has not learned the real expected yield that will come from providing passive liquidity: Many protocols, pooling and staking platforms show APY or APR that is highly inflated and based on basic short term analysis of expected volume and rewards that does not take into consideration the risks of divergence nor the nuances of concentrated volume and fee income. In time, many poolers may realise that they are not getting the returns they expect and pull out. Passive liquidity may atrophy or see their capital drained away as arbitrageurs and more active market makers take in the majority of the yield.

If this evolution described plays out, more liquidity will become more concentrated and the DeFi market as a whole will become more efficient, with much more focus on active and professional traders. This likely has far-reaching implications for AMMs and DeFi as a whole, beyond just Uniswap.

Thinking further out, as Layer 2's evolve to have cheaper fees, more protocols and liquidity pairs may move to cheaper protocols, and individual high-volume asset pairs may even shard off into their own dedicated L2s. If so, ticks will become tighter until they become single-price, fully concentrated flip-orders (similar to orders on a conventional limit-order book) rather than range-orders. Concentration is likely the future of most on-chain marketplace liquidity, further shifting the balance between passive and active liquidity.

On the growing DAO ecosystem and protocol-owned liquidity

There is a growing DAO ecosystem, many of which have large treasuries or tokens of their own that require active management. Some basic tools for doing this exist, but they are slow and manual.

A few new protocols have emerged to help passive poolers. Currently a DeFi 2.0 meme is spreading with various protocols becoming super hyped and popular related to the liquidity ecosystem. However, so far most protocols that help with this are all essentially highly specialised liquidity/treasury management systems which are silo'd away from each other and are not flexible nor DAO-native. (eg: Visor, Charm, Ribbon, Olympus Pro, Pickle, yfi...even FEI). Poolers, DAOs and protocols will likely need more control, freedom, flexibility and security that these existing protocols can't provide, and these existing protocols may be slow to execute on capturing the new blossoming DAO ecosystem. A protocol built with a more flexible, configurable and secure underlying architecture can enable any DAO to play all of these games, and do better and innovate further than specialised systems.

A better solution and architecture is needed to support this that can easily fit into DAOs and adapt to their existing ecosystem. Fortunately, this already exists: Gnosis Safe and its module system is that ideal architecture.

Gnosis Safe is inherently DAO-native. The majority of DAOs today are already built on it. It supports a modular, pluggable and configurable architecture and empowers DAOs with tools of their own without having to rely on third party protocols.

Zodiac, a collection of DAO-expansion-pack-modules is already a project exhibiting this today. The modular system will enable very easily building out an additional collection of modules focused on active liquidity management and treasury management, and extending those modules over time with ever more powerful functionality.

Much like Fuse allows anyone to "create their own Compound", OneTick should allow anyone to create their own bespoke liquidity management strategies, forking and configuring strategies similar to Charm and Visor's to deploy and use them based on their own needs.


OneTickDao is a few things: